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Mary-Anne’s border collies will herd them away, in water or on land!

Call Today: 518-329-2171


Canada geese were put on the endangered species list about 75 years ago.  Since then, they have been protected, and they have proliferated to the great numbers that exist today.  Most of the Canada geese we see now have become domestic, and don’t migrate any longer.


The huge increase in their numbers has presented problems for any property that has good grazing area and is convenient to water.   Open, grassy spaces are particularly vulnerable because they frequently have adjacent water, and are relatively free of the more common natural enemies of geese such as wolves and coyotes.


Why do Border Collies work and not other dogs?

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Canada geese produce about a pound of droppings per bird per day.  The droppings are laden with bacteria, making grassy areas and water unsafe and unfit for human use.  The geese are categorized as pests by the EPA.


Many methods have been tried to eradicate Canada geese,

but only one has been effective...


...the use of BORDER COLLIE DOGS!


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